NEW DATE: 14 November 2022 – 16 November 2022

We are Moving Forward

The Kaumātua Service Providers Conference will be held 14th to 16th of November 2022

If you have any questions let us know!

Email evelyn@ntota.co.nz or call us on 06 348 9902
We’re also on Facebook if you need any questions answered message us https://www.facebook.com/NgaTaiOTeAwa

This Years Kaupapa

New Zealand in line with global trends face a significantly increasing ageing population with forecasts for those aged 65 years and overreaching up to 25.5 per cent by 20511. This fact accompanied with the recent experience of COVID lockdowns, the digitization of Kaumātua lives and the prevalence of inequities in hauora, housing and welfare, has led to the need for this conference, themed:

“Kaumātua Tino Rangatiratanga – He iringa korero ki apopo: From Yesterday to Tomorrow”.

This conference proposes to build on learnings from the past and identify the actions needed to ensure our Kaumātua of today and tomorrow are better informed, connected, healthier, resourced and experience a greater sense of self – determination in their ageing journey. To achieve this our hui will, bring experts from fields that either serve, conduct research and/or develop policy instrumental to Kaumātua wellbeing, independence and self-determination. The aim being to provide an innovative and solution focused platform for addressing the challenges that face Kaumātua whilst also harnessing the opportunities that an ageing population brings.


Whanganui Function Centre (Racecourse)
19A Purnell Street
Whanganui, Manawatu / Whanganui, 4500



FULL 3 DAY PASS (Standard)

All Prices are GST Inclusive

Kaumātua / Student / Community: $390.00

Corporate / Government Agencies: $490.00

*Standard pricing from 8th October 2022


All Prices are GST Inclusive

Kaumātua / Student / Community: $190.00

Corporate / Government Agencies: $290.00

*Standard pricing from 8th October 2022